Richard Higginbottom: Tide Press
I had the pleasure of being able to listen to a presentation from one of our own, Richard Higgenbottom who usually speaks to us as a lecturer on the course. He spoke about his commercial venture, an independent publishing project known as Tide Press where they collaborate with new and emerging artists as well as new graduates, to provide a way of showcasing their work in a way to reach a wider audience.
The work is published in the forms of zines and books, usually hand stitched and put completely put together by hand. Each book has a process of meticulous planning and thought, down to paper choice, font, sequencing of images and what type of bind would suit the story being told. They are run as limited edition phonebooks, a brilliant way to publish and showcase your work to your audience. This is a brilliant way of attracting collectors, as they tend to be limited edition and often are the artists work from very early in their careers.
Small scale projects such as Tide Press are amazing as they offer different ways for new artists to network and collaborate and to showcase their work. It offers a means of gaining interest in your work, which otherwise may not or take a much longer time to be seen as a new artist.